Sold Published Illustrations
'An Adoring Fan' Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos
'Morning Hues' Sulphur-crested Cockatoos
Superb Fairy-wren and Rose Stem
'Courting Couple' Australasian Gannets
'Tranquillity' Silver Gulls
Tasmanian Tiger Portrait
Superb Fairy-wren on Reed
Courting Australasian Gannets
Sealions of the World
Haviside's Dolphin
Black Dolphin
Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale
Blainville's Beaked Whales
Antarctic Seals
Subantarctic Fur Seals
Falkland and Sub Antarctic Endemic Species
Central American Spinner Dolphins
Leopard and Weddell Seals
Friesian Cow and Calves
'A Little Ray of Sunshine' Ewe and Lamb
'Riverside Winter' Superb Fairy-wrens
Superb Fairy-wren on Common Reed
Southern Right Whales
Blue Whales
Humpback Whales
rested Penguins of the World
March of the Emperors
Southern and Tropical Bottlenose Whales
Fraser's and Striped Dolphins
White-beaked Dolphin and Atlantic White-sided Dolphin
Southern Fulmar portrait
Antarctic Guide Illustration South American species
Large Beaked whales
Porpoise Species of the World
Hector's and Pygmy Beaked Whales
Frans Josef Land